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Saddle Hickory Shaker

Saddle hickory shaker door.JPG
  • Recessed flat panel-in-frame. Standard overlay door style with 1″ reveal.

  • 1/2″ plywood side board, 5/8″ plywood shelf, 3/4″ thick solid wood door frame. Screw-in drawer connection, cam lock connection accessory, mortise and tenon joinery in both door and drawer front.

Wall Cabinets 30 high single door.jpg

Wall Cabinets 30" - 36" High, Single Door

W0930, W1230, W1530, W1830, W2130,

W0936, W1236, W1536, W1836, W2136

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Wall Cabinets 42" High, Single Door

W0942, W1242, W1542, W1842, W2142

wall cabinets 12 - 18 high double doors.

Wall Cabinets 12" - 18" High, Double Doors

W3012, W3312, W3612, W3912

W3015, W3315, W3615, W3915

W3018, W3318, W3618, W3918

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Wall Cabinets 12" - 18" High, 24" Deep, Double Doors

W361224, W361524, W361824

wall diagonal corner 30 - 42 high 12 dee

Wall Diagonal Corner Cabinets 30" - 42" High, 12" Deep 

WDC2430, WDC2436, WDC2442

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Wall Blind Corner Cabinets 30" - 36" High

WBC2436, WBC2736

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Wall End Shelfs 30" - 36" High 

WES0930(L/R), WES0936(L/R)

Wall End Angle.JPG

Wall End Angle Cabinets

WEC1230(L/R), WEC1236(L/R), WEC1242(L/R)

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Base Cabinets, Double Doors, 1 Drawer

B24, B27, B30

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Base Cabinets, 3 Drawers

DB12-3, DB15-3, DB18-3, DB21-3, DB24-3, DB27-3, DB30-3, DB33-3, DB36-3

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Base Easy Reach Corner Cabinet


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Sink Base Cabinets, Double Doors, 2 Headers

SB33, SB36, SB39, SB42

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Base End Angle Cabinet


desk drawer.jpg

Desk Drawer

DSK2421, DSK3021

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Pantry Cabinets, 4 Doors

WP2484, WP2490, WP2496

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Oven Microwave Pantry Cabinets

OC3384-27, OC3390-27, OC3396-27

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Wine Racks

30WR(15), 36WR(15)

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Counter Garage Cabinet


base spice rack.jpg

Base Spice Rack


roll out drawers.jpg

Roll-Out Drawers

RD18, RD21, RD24, RD27, RD30, RD33, RD36

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Base Fillers

BF3, BF6

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Royal Crown Molding 


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Toe Kick


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Refrigerator Panel


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Quarter Round 


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Ogee Molding


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Traditional Light Rail Molding


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Decorating Side Doors

WFD1230, WFD1236, WFD1242


wall mullion double doors.jpg

Wall Mullion Double Doors 30" - 36" High

WMD2430-2, WMD2730-2, WMD3030-2, WMD3330-2, WMD3630-2, WMD2436-2, WMD2736-2, WMD3036-2, WMD3336-2, WMD3636-2 

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Wall Mullion Double Doors 42" High

WMD2442-2, WMD2742-2, WMD3042-2, WMD3342-2, WMD3642-2

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Vanity Cabinets, Double Doors, 1 Header, 2 Drawers

VA3621D(L/R), VA4221D(L/R)

vanity 2 double doors 3 drawers in cente

Vanity Cabinet, 3 Center Drawers, Double Doors Left, Double Doors Right


wall cabinets 36 high double doors.jpg

Wall Cabinets 30" - 36" High, Double Doors

W2430, W2730, W3030, W3330, W3630,

W2436, W2736, W3036, W3336, W3636

wall cabinets 42 high double doors.jpg

Wall Cabinets 42" High, Double Doors

W2442, W2742, W3042, W3342, W3642

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Wall Cabinets 24" High, Double Doors

W3024, W3324, W3624, W3924

wall cabinet 24 high 24 deep double door

Wall Cabinet 24" High, 24" Deep, Double Doors


wall diagonal corner 30 - 42 high 15 dee

Wall Diagonal Corner Cabinets 36" - 42" High, 15" Deep

WDC2736-15, WDC2742-15

wall blind cabinets 42 high.jpg

Wall Blind Corner Cabinets 42" High

WBC2442, WBC2742

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Wall End Shelf 42" High 


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Base Cabinets, Single Door, 1 Drawer

B09, B12, B15, B18, B21

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Base Cabinets, Double Doors, 2 Drawers

B33, B36

base blind corner cabinets.jpg

Base Blind Corner Cabinets

BBC36/39, BBC39/42, BBC42/45

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Lazy Susan Corner Base Cabinets

LS33-09, LS36-12

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Diagonal Corner Sink Base Cabinets


base end shelf.jpg

Base End Shelf


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Pantry Cabinets, 2 Doors

WP1884, WP1890, WP1896

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Double Oven Pantry Cabinets

OD3384-27, OD3390-27, OD3396-27

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Wall Microwave Cabinets

WM2730, WM2736, WM2742

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Glass Racks

30GR, 36GR

diagonal counter garage.jpg

Counter Diagonal Garage Cabinet


base waste basket.JPG

Base Wastebasket


wall fillers.jpg

Wall Fillers

WF330, WF630, WF336, WF636, WF342, WF642

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Pantry Fluted Filler


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Crown Molding 


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Back Skin Panel


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Dishwasher Panel


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Outside Corner Molding


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Scribe Molding





wall corner mullion door 30 - 42

Wall Mullion Doors 30" 36" High

WMD1230, WMD1530, WMD1830, WMD2130, WMD1236, WMD1536, WMD1836, WMD2136

wall mullion door 42 high.jpg

Wall Mullion Doors 42" High

WMD1242, WMD1542, WMD1842, WMD2142

vanity double doors 1 header.jpg

Vanity Cabinet, Double Doors, 1 Header

VA2421, VA3021

vanity double doors 3 drawers left 3 dra

Vanity Cabinets, Double Doors, 3 Drawers on Left, 3 Drawers on Right, 1 Header

VA4821D, VA6021D

vanity 3 drawer base.jpg

Vanity, 3 Drawers

VDB1221, VDB1521, VDB1821

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